Community Planning Aberdeen

Refreshed Plan to Improve Outcomes for All

A city-wide plan that aims to see Aberdeen be ‘a place where all people can prosper’ regardless of background or circumstances by 2026 has a renewed focus following stakeholder and public engagement.

The ‘refreshed’ Local Outcome Improvement Plan 2016-2026 along with Locality Plans for the NorthCentral and South areas of the city was approved by the Community Planning Aberdeen Board on Monday 29 April 2024.

A special version of the LOIP aimed at making the document more accessible to children and young people is available here. A summary of the refreshed LOIP is also available.

Aberdeen City Council Co-Leader Councillor Christian Allard, chair of the Community Planning Aberdeen Board, said: “On behalf of the Community Planning Aberdeen Board I would like to thank stakeholders and members of the public who took the opportunity to engage with us to refresh the Local Outcome Improvement Plan and Locality Plans.

“There are many individuals and families across the city facing immense challenges. We need to continue to work together to put in place measures that can help people out of poverty, improve their health and wellbeing. We believe that by enabling individuals and communities to take control of their lives and their local environment, we can build a stronger, more resilient city for all who live here. By working together we can all play a part in helping to make Aberdeen a place where everyone can prosper.”

Susan Webb, Director of Public Health, NHS Grampian and vice-chair of the Community Planning Aberdeen Board, said: "I want to echo Councillor Allard's thanks to everyone who took part in the sessions to refresh these plans. Naturally, public health is at the heart of my concerns, but I am pleased to say these plans balance many topics, with the key aim of making Aberdeen a happier and healthier place to live and work."

The Local Outcome Improvement Plan 2016-2026 is a city-wide document which sets out how Community Planning Aberdeen will help to improve outcomes for, and with local people and communities. Its vision is that everyone in the city should have the same opportunities, regardless of their background or circumstances. It is reviewed in consultation with partners and the public every two to three years to ensure it remains relevant. It is  supported by three area-based Locality Plans.

Community Planning Aberdeen has developed 16 goals, called Stretch Outcomes, that it will work to achieve over the next two years. These cover four themes; Economy, People, Place and Community Empowerment, with 97 improvement projects planned to help meet these objectives.


  • Make sure that people feel they have enough to eat and can heat their homes.
  • Help more people to find jobs.


  • Make sure babies and children (0-5 years) have the best start in life.
  • Improve Child Mental Health.
  • Support Care Experienced Young People.
  • Ensure Positive Destinations for all Young People.
  • Reduce Youth Offending.
  • Support children and young people with Additional Support Needs.
  • Reduce Adults Re-offending.
  • Improve Healthy Life Expectancy.
  • Reduce Alcohol and Drug Deaths.
  • Reduce Homelessness.


  • Tackle Climate Change.
  • Increase walking and cycle and reduce car use.
  • Improve the Built and Natural Environment.

Community Empowerment

  • Increase Community Empowerment.

Community Planning Aberdeen is the local partnership of public, private and third sector organisations and communities working together to improve people’s lives across the city through the Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP).  

For more information on how people living in the city, local community groups and businesses can get involved, please visit Community Planning Aberdeen’s new website.

Thanks must go to the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, which hosted the CPA Board meeting on 29 April 2024. This provided a great opportunity for Board members to tour the station and facilities at North Anderson Drive, as well as meet the staff whose skills and expertise play a vital role in keeping communities safe.

Community Planning Aberdeen consists of Aberdeen City Council, ACVO (Aberdeen Council for Voluntary Organisations), Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership, NHS Grampian, North East Scotland College, Police Scotland, Skills Development Scotland, Scottish Enterprise, NESTRANS, Scottish Fire & Rescue Service, Robert Gordon University, and the University of Aberdeen.

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