Aberdeen Adult Protection Committee (APC) 
The Adult Protection Committee is an inter-agency forum which takes the lead to co-ordinate and develop local responses to adult support and protection, including prevention of further harm. Find out more in the Committee's Terms of Reference:
Our strategic vision for adult support and protection in Aberdeen, which was reviewed in December 2021:
“Partners in Aberdeen are committed to an inclusive approach to preventing and responding to harm and protecting adults at risk”
Read more about our current Strategy, covering the period to March 2026
Scottish Government's Guidance for Adult Protection Committees can be found here.
APC Publications
Summary of Meetings
Biennial Reports
APC Biennial Report 2018-20 1.5 MB
APC Biennial Report 2016-18 373.18 KB
APC Biennial Report 2014-16 930.05 KB
Annual Reports
Strategies, Policies, etc
APC Communications Strategy201.74 KB
APC Client Engagement Strategy and Guidance2.96 MB
APC Learning Strategy and Guidance279.43 KB
Web Links to our partners
- Care Inspectorate
- Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland
- Office of the Public Guardian
- Police Scotland (the Child Protection page contains some useful information about Public Protection Units).
- Advocacy Service Aberdeen
- Hourglass - the UK’s only charity focused on the abuse and neglect of older people