Child Protection
Child protection is everyone’s responsibility. If you are worried about the safety of a child in Aberdeen call:
- 0800 731 5520 (Social Work)
- 101 (Police Scotland)
Contact us even if you are unsure, then we can take steps to assess the risk to the child and, if needed, to protect them.
Aberdeen City Child Protection Committee 
Aberdeen City Child Protection Committee (CPC) is a partnership with representatives from all agencies in Aberdeen responsible for Child Protection arrangements; Social Work, Police Scotland, Health, Education, Children’s Hearings, Housing and the Third Sector. The CPC meets several times every year and provides the governance for all multi agency aspects of Child Protection across Aberdeen City. A summary of business meetings can be found here.
The CPCs main functions are public information, continuous improvement and strategic planning with its core being effective multi agency working as this ensures the protection and safety of Aberdeen City’s children and young people. The CPC works across all Child Protection services locally, regionally, and nationally and with these supports and networks in place it aims to support the multi agency workforce and members of the public to ensure Aberdeen is the best place in Scotland to grow up, to promote the care and welfare of our children and to protect them from abuse and harm.
CPC Improvement Programme
CPC Annual Reports
Child Protection Partnership
As part of the Child Protection Partnership (CPP) Aberdeen City CPC works together with Aberdeenshire and Moray CPCs on the following:
- the joint North East Child Protection Register (CPR)
- oversight of the North East Joint Investigative Interviews group
- developing and delivering bespoke North East events for core Child Protection topics
- sharing learning across the North East