Support for Survivors of Violence and Abuse

Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse includes physical, emotional, financial and sexual abuse by partners or ex-partners. Domestic abuse can happen to people of all genders, and anybody can be an abuser. There are different kinds of abuse, but it is always about having power and control over you. 

Advice for Adults

What is Domestic Abuse?

Domestic abuse can include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Coercive control (a pattern of intimidation, degradation, isolation and control with the use or threat of physical or sexual violence)
  • Psychological and/or emotional abuse
  • Physical or sexual abuse
  • Financial or economic abuse
  • Harassment and stalking
  • Online or digital abuse

How can I find out if an existing or former partner has a violent past?

Domestic Abuse Disclosure Scheme (also known as “Clare’s Law”)

Under this scheme you can ask the police to check whether a new, former or existing partner has a violent past. This is called ‘right to ask’. If records show that you may be at risk of domestic abuse from a partner, the police will consider disclosing the information. A disclosure can be made if it is legal, proportionate and necessary to do so.

The “right to ask” also enables a third party, such as a friend or family member, to apply for a disclosure on behalf of someone they know. Again, the police can release information if it is lawful, necessary and proportionate to do so. In order to make an application under the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme.

Please contact the police. You can do this by:

  • visiting a police station (the household isolation instruction as a result of COVID-19 does not apply if you need to leave your home to escape domestic abuse)
  • phoning 101
  • speaking to a member of the police on the street
  • clicking on the link below for more information and an application form

Once you submit the form you will have formally applied to the Disclosure Scheme for Domestic Abuse Scotland. Police Scotland will process the application – including conducting checks and meeting with you, the applicant. At the end of the process a decision will be made as to whether or not a disclosure will be made.

How can I keep myself safe?

If you or your children are in immediate danger and need help, call 999.

The most important thing to remember is that domestic abuse is not your fault. If you’re experiencing domestic abuse, you have choices. You can:

  • report domestic abuse to the police
  • leave your home or get the person who is harming you to leave
  • talk about your options with someone from a support organisation

If you decide to leave home, try to find somewhere to stay before you go. This could be:

  • with friends or family (if you think you’ll be safe from your partner here)
  • in a refuge
  • in temporary accommodation provided by the council

Call Scotland’s Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline on 0800 027 1234 or Shelter Scotland‘s housing helpline on 0808 800 4444 for advice on finding a safe place to stay.

You may be able to make your partner leave your home. This depends on what rights you have to live in your home. Find out more about staying in your home after a separation. If you do not have anywhere permanent to stay (for example if you’re sleeping on the streets, with friends or family for a short time or living in a hostel, refuge or hotel) you can make a homeless application to your local council’s housing department.

If your financial situation changes after you leave your partner, you may be worried about how you’ll support yourself or your children on your own. Help with money is available, for example you might be able to claim benefits because you’re now a single person or a crisis grant if you need emergency financial help.

If you want to prevent your partner coming near your home or behaving in an abusive way towards you, you can take out an interdict against them. This is a court order that bans them from doing certain things. Find out more about taking legal action on the Shelter Scotland website. You may want a divorce or to dissolve your civil partnership if you want your relationship to end permanently. If you need legal advice from a solicitor but cannot afford the fees, you may be able to get legal aid.

Advice for Young People

Abuse in relationships can happen to anyone. It’s not normal, OK or part of a healthy relationship. Abuse can be physical, emotional or sexual and leave you feeling lonely and isolated.

Some people in an abusive relationship don’t even realise it. Abuse could be when someone tries to control, hurt or force you to do things you don't want to. They can do this in lots of different ways.

Am I being abused?

  • does your partner stop you seeing friends and family or demand all of your time
  • do they check or stop you using your phone, email, Facebook and Twitter accounts
  • are they always contacting you to check where you are and who you’re with
  • do they tell you what to wear or how to do your hair
  • are they verbally (calling you names) or physically (hitting, shoving or slapping) aggressive
  • do they threaten to harm you - or themselves
  • are you pressured to have sex, or other sexual acts, when you don’t want to, telling you that “everyone is doing it” or that you would do it “if you really loved them”

If you’re frightened of your partner or feel you have to change your behaviour because you’re scared of their reaction, you are being abused. Remember you’re not to blame and help is available.

Advice for Children

Sometimes it isn’t clear if what is happening at home is domestic abuse. But, if someone living in your home uses bullying, threats or violence, it can make you feel unsafe and could be a sign of domestic abuse. 

Domestic abuse is sometimes called ‘domestic violence’ and it can involve an adult threatening, bullying or hurting another adult in their family or who they’re in a relationship with.

Young people can directly or indirectly experience domestic abuse too, as a result of the hurt that an adult is causing another adult in their family.

Here are common signs of a physically or emotionally abusive relationship:

  • kicking, punching, hitting
  • threatening to kill someone or hurt them
  • controlling behaviour, like telling someone where they can go and what they can wear
  • controlling someone’s finances by withholding money or stopping someone going to work
  • making someone feel guilty, criticising them or making them feel small and stopping them from standing up for themselves
  • reading emails, text messages or letters
  • making someone do something sexual when they don’t want to.

Domestic abuse can happen inside and outside of the home, it can happen over the phone or online using the internet or social media. It can happen in any relationship and in any family and can continue once a relationship is over.

If an important adult in your life is acting this way toward another adult who is important to you, you may be feeling frightened, anxious, sad or angry. It is important to remember that it is not your fault, and that you can ask for help.

For more information on your rights, where to get advocacy, guidance and support in Aberdeen as a child, or young person please visit Young Person's Rights Service.

Support Available

If you think you may be in an abusive relationship, there are lots of people who can help you. You don’t have to wait for an emergency to seek help, but if it is an emergency call 999. The most important thing to remember is that domestic abuse is not your fault. If domestic abuse is happening to you, it’s important to tell someone and remember you’re not alone.

You can:

  • talk to a trusted professional (GP, Nurse, Health Visitor, Teacher, Social Worker etc.)
  • telephone a confidential support service:

There are a number of other local and national services that provide support if you have been affected by violence and/or abuse. More information can be found in the document entitled Support Services. 

Translated Messages


Przemoc domowa jest niedopuszczalna

To nie jest twoja winai nie jesteś sam

Przemoc domowa jestwtedykiedy jesteś krzywdzona, prześladowanalub zastraszana przez:

Twojego mężalub żone

Twojego chłopakalub dziewczyne

Twojego obecnegolub byłego partnera

Ich zachowanie może być;kontrolujące, fizyczne, seksualne, finansowe lub emocjonalne.

Pomoc i wsparcie

Są dostępne usługi wsparcia dla ciebie, które sąw dalszym ciąguotwarte.Nie musisz czekać na nagłąpotrzebęaby otrzymaćpomoc. Powiedz komuś komu ufasz lub skontaktuj się:

Policja Szkocka - Jeśli jesteś w niebezpieczeństwie i jest to nagła potrzebazadzwoń pod 999. Jesli jest to nie nagła potrzeba zadzwoń pod101

Krajowa Infolinia przemocy domowej - Bezpłatna ipoufna porada. Otwarta dla każdego przez24 dobę Telefon: 0800 027 1234. Strona internetowa:

Grampian Pomoc Kobietom - Telefon: 01224 593381. Strona internetowa:

Grampiankryzys gwałtu - Telefon: 01224 590932. Strona internetowa:


Abuzul domestic nu este acceptabil

Nu este vina ta şi nu eşti singur/ă

Abuzul domestic are loc atunci când eşti rănit/ă, agresat/ă sau atunci când îţi este teamă de:

Soţul sau soţia ta

Prietenul sau prietena ta

Partenerul actual sau fostul partener/fosta parteneră

Acesta/aceasta poate săîţi facărău din punct de vedere fizic, sexual, financiar, emoţional sau săte controleze.

Ajutor şi sprijin

Există servicii care te pot ajuta şi acestea sunt în continuare deschise. Nu trebuie să aştepţi o urgenţă pentru a primi ajutor. Spune-i cuiva în care ai încredere sau contactează:

Poliţia - Dacă te afli în pericol şi este o urgenţă, sună la 999. Dacă nu este o urgenţă, sună la 101

Linia telefonică naţională de asistenţă pentru victimele abuzului domestic (National Domestic Abuse Helpline) - Sfaturi gratuite şi confidenţiale. Deschis tuturor. 24 de ore pe zi.Telefon: 0800 027 1234. Website:

Serviciul de ajutor pentru femei Grampian (Grampian Women’s Aid) - Telefon: 01224 593381. Website:

Serviciul de ajutor în caz de viol (Rape Crisis Grampian) - Telefon: 01224 590932. Website:


La violencia doméstica no es aceptable.

No es tu culpa y no estás solo/a

La violencia doméstica ocurre cuando estás herido/a, intimidado/a o cuando tienes miedo a:

Tu esposo o esposa

Tu novio o novia

Tu pareja actual o tu ex pareja

Su comportamiento puede sercontrolador, físico, sexual, financiero o emocional.

Ayuda y apoyo

Hay servicios disponibles para ayudarte y estos siguen abiertos¡No esperes a una emergencia para pedir ayuda! Cuéntele a alguien en quién confías o ponte en contacto con:

Policía - Si estás en peligro y es una emergencia, llama al 999. Si no se trata de una emergencia, llama al 101

La línea nacional de atención telefónica para el abuso domestico(National Domestic Abuse Helpline) - Consejo confidencial gratuito. Abiertaa todos. 24 horas al día.Teléfono: 0800 027 1234. Sitio web:

Servicio de ayuda a la mujer de Grampian (Grampian Women’s Aid) - Teléfono: 01224 593381. Sitio web:

Servicio de apoyo a las víctimas de la violación de Grampian (Rape Crisis Grampian) - Teléfono: 01224 590932. Sitio web:


Домашнее насилие не допустимо

Это не ваша вина, и вы не одиноки

Домашнее насилие это когда вам причиняют боль, когда вас травмируют или запугивают:

ваш муж или жена

ваш парень или девушка

настоящий или бывший партнер

Их поведение может быть контролирующим, физическим, половым, финансовым или психическим.


Для вашей поддержки существуют службы, которые открыты и сейчас. Чтобы получить помощь, не нужно ждать, пока ситуация не станет экстренной. Поговорите с человеком, которому вы доверяете или обратитесьв службу:

Полиция Шотландии

Если вы в опасности и у вас экстренная ситуация,звоните999. Если вопрос не экстренный,звоните101.

Государственная линия помощи по домашнему насилию - Бесплатный и конфиденциальный совет. Линия открыта для всех.24 часа в день. - Телефон: 0800 027 1234. Веб-сайт:

Помощь женщинам Грэмпиэн - Телефон: 01224 593381. Веб-сайт:

Кризис в связи с изнасилованием,Грэмпиэн - Телефон: 01224 590932. Веб-сайт:











苏格兰警察如果并且情况紧急可以电话 999如果情况,电话 101.

家庭虐待全国热线电话保密每天 24 开通。电话0800 027 1234    网站

救助电话01224 593381 网站

事件电话01224 590932 网站


Smurtasšeimoje yra nepriimtinas

Tai ne tavo kaltėir tu ne vienas

Smurtasšeimojeyra tada, kai jusžeidžia, yra tyčiojamasi arbagąsdina:

• Jūsų vyras ar žmona

• Jūsų vaikinas ar draugė

• Jūsų dabartinis arba buvęs partneris

elgesys gali būti; kontroliuojantis, fizinis, seksualinis, finansinis ar emocinis.

Pagalba ir Palaikymas

Jeigu jūskenčiate nuo smurtošeimoje,jums nereikia laukti kol situacija bus ekstremali , jūsgalite gautipagalbospranešdamitam,kuo pasitikite arba su susisiekite:

Policija Škotijoje - Jei jums gręsia pavojus irestateekstremaliojepadėtyjeskambinkite 999. Jei padėtis ne ekstremaliskambinkite 101

Nacionalinė priešSmurtąŠeimoje Pagalbos Linija - Nemokamas ir konfidencialus patarimas. Atvira visiems. 24 valandas per parą. Telefonas: 0800 027 1234. Tinklalapis:

Pagalba Moterims Grampian - Telefonas: 01224 593381. Tinklalapis:

PrievartavimoKrizėGrampian - Telefonas: 01224 590932. Tinklalapis:


Vardarbība ģimenē nav pieļaujama

Tā nav jūsu vaina, un jūs neesat viens

Vardarbība ģimenē ir tad, kad jūs sāpina, iebiedē vai biedē:

• Jūsu vīrs vai sieva

Jūsu draugs vai draudzene

• Jūsu pašreizējais vai bijušais partneris

Viņu uzvedība un izturēšanāsvar būt kontrolējoša, fiziska, seksuāla, finansiāla vai emocionāla.

Palīdzība un atbalsts

Ir pieejami pakalpojumi, lai jūs atbalstītu, un tie joprojām ir atvērti. Lai saņemtu palīdzību, jums nav jāgaida ārkārtas situācija. Pastāstiet kādam, kam uzticaties, vai sazinieties ar viņu:

Skotijas policija (Police Scotland) - Ja Jums draud briesmas un tā ir ārkārtas situācija, zvaniet pa tālruni 999. Ja nav ārkārtas situāciju, zvaniet pa tālruni 101

Nacionālā palīdzības līnija par vardarbību ģimenē (National Domestic Abuse Helpline) - Bezmaksas un konfidenciālas konsultācijas. Atvērts visiem. 24 stundas diennaktī.Tālrunis: 0800 027 1234. Mājaslapa:

Grampian palīdzībasievietēm(Grampian Women’s Aid) - Tālrunis: 01224 593381. Mājaslapa:

Izvarošanas krīzeGrampian (Rape Crisis Grampian) - Tālrunis: 01224 590932. Mājaslapa:


Домашнотонасилиеенедопустимо НесеслучвапоВашавинаинестесами

Домашнонасилиее, когатостенаранени, тормозениилиуплашениот:




Поведениетоимможедасе характеризирасконтрол, нанасяненафизически, сексуални, финансовиилиемоционалнитравми.


Съществуватуслуги, коитодаВипомогнатитевсеощесадостъпни. Нетрябвадачакатеспешнаситуация, задаполучитесъдействие. Споделетеснякой, накоготоиматедовериеилисесвържетес:ПолицияШотландияАкостевопасностиприспешнислучаи, обадетесена 999. Приизвънредниситуации, позвънетена 101.


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Aberdeen Young Person's Rights Service remit is to provide advocacy, guidance and support to Aberdeen children, young people and young adults, aged 0-26 years old, who are care experienced or are or have been involved in child protection processes, wherever they live.