Organisations involved in supporting an adult who is self-neglecting may have a non-engagement policy. All professionals must refer to their own policies in addition to these procedures.
The roles / perspectives of some key partners in relation to self-neglect and hoarding can be found below.
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
(SFRS) is of importance where a person is hoarding items which may pose a risk of fire at the property. While a person’s consent to involve SFRS should always be sought, it may be necessary to override the person’s wishes if they are risk of serious injury or death if a fire occurs.
Police Scotland
Police have a statutory duty under the Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 to refer any adult who may be at risk of harm and to cooperate with council investigations, in line with local policies and procedures. This means accurately recording any concerns via iVPD under the category ‘Adult Concern’ so that reports and relevant information can be shared with relevant partners.
In cases of self-neglect, the safety and wellbeing of the adult concerned is paramount. If the adult concerned is believed to be at immediate risk, the Duty Social Work Team would be contacted so that action can be agreed. If there is no apparent criminality otherwise, officers will not necessarily be required to take any further action after the Concern Report has been submitted. If this occurs outwith office hours, Out of Hours Social Work and G-Meds should be considered.
Police may also be requested to attend an address, ideally with SW, for a safe and well check or due to SW being unable to access the property concerned and power to force entry should be considered where appropriate. Again, an iVPD should be compiled thereafter.
Officers can also seek advice and guidance from the Public Protection Unit or via the Adult Support and Protection SOP.
Landlord Services and Housing
Housing enforcement will focus on how the neglect is impacting on the fabric of the property or affecting the neighbours and will range from:
- housing officer visits, guidance and support to people who are in need to avoid them losing their tenancy alongside clear messages about what can occur if people do not cooperate, such as court applications.
- verbal warning, referral to housing support, referral to partner agencies, including ASP, request facilities to assist in clearing a property and recharge tenant (may not transfer tenant to temporary accommodation in instances where property is unsuitable for habitation)
Self-neglect – is not part of the tenancy agreement. Keeping the property in good, clean condition and disposing of rubbish appropriately is.
Please visit Environmental Health and contact to report infestation.
This type of thing is not their typical case, but I would be comfortable to bring a case to the hub meeting as a “scatter gun” approach to reaching out to several services. Police and Fire have referred cases where they have visited and found conditions which have caused concern.
Adult Community Safety Hub
An example of the way that partner agencies alert the hub of their concerns:
Can I ask that a task be raised for 1st Floor North, Marischal College, AB10 1AB? Occupier, Adult Protection Unit. DOB: 00/00/2007. Fire Service attended a false alarm where cooking fumes had actuated their detector. During the incident they were asleep in the breakout area. They presented as being under the influence of alcohol. Some of the detectors on the floor had been damaged. Their working conditions are very poor. Can you please issue a task to Fire Service and Housing to conduct joint visit? The attending Crews have submitted an AP1 form to social work. Thanks.
Scottish Ambulance Service
Ambulance staff report self-neglect to the APU as a vulnerable person concern - either on the relevant form or direct to the Social Work Duty Service. Appropriately trained staff might refer someone with a short-term issue to Penumbra as a DBI referral but that probably would not address longer term self-neglect.
It should also be noted on our Patient Report Form and if a patient was being admitted it would likely be part of the handover to hospital staff either as an explanation of an unwell patient presenting as unkempt/dirty/malnourished or as a reason for a possibly fairly "well" patient being admitted out of hours as more of a social admission or to a place of safety.
Our only other reporting option is G-MED or a patient own GP, but there is no agreed direct access to any other agencies.