About 17,500 householders to get their bins collected on a different day

18 May 2021

About 17,500 households in Aberdeen are to have their bins collected on a different day on the week beginning Monday 24 May.

The changes will mean more efficient routes and increased capacity for meeting rising demand due to new housing developments across the city.

The affected householders are receiving a letter and a calendar to let them know of the new bin collection days – the bin collection cycle will continue to be fortnightly with the general waste bin one week and the recyclables and green waste bins the next week.

For the new collection day, bins should be in place at 7am as per normal.

People should be aware not all households will have a change of collection day and their friends and family may not be affected. Additionally, people are asked, if possible, to check that elderly or vulnerable neighbours are aware of the change.

More information and collection day calendars are available at www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/wasteandrecycling and anyone requiring dedicated support can contact 03000 200 292.