Contact us

The quickest way to submit an enquiry to us is by using our online forms. Your request will be routed directly to staff in that service area who can help. Get help with setting up or using your online account.

Housing customers can access a number of services using our online portal Housing Online.

Our Aberdeen City Council chatbot, AB-1 is available 24/7 on our website and can help you with your queries on our services.

If you would like to give us feedback, make a complaint or take part in a consultation you can do so on our Have Your Say web pages.

Other ways to contact us

Please click on a contact type to expand

If you can’t resolve your issue online, call the number for the relevant service as detailed below.

Calls will be free for many of our customers. Some of our services have 0800 freephone numbers and if you have ‘free minutes’ in your call plan, your call to any of our 03000 numbers will be included. Any calls out with your inclusive minutes within your call plan will be charged at the rate of a local call, which can vary depending on your phone provider.

Support line

The Council has a free support line for those:

  • facing crisis
  • extreme hardship due to the rising cost of living
  • struggling with mental health challenges
  • experiencing domestic abuse or concerned about a family member/friend

We offer a range of support and advice to those who find themselves in a crisis. Examples of support we provide include help with getting food, discussing financial assistance that is available to you, and who you can go to for energy costs and wellbeing advice. We work alongside other Council teams as well as our partners in the city to provide support to our residents.

Our Community Support team can be contacted on 0800 0304 713 

We can support with crisis grant applications Monday to Friday 9am-5pm only.

To make an online application at any time for a crisis grant, please go to crisis grant.

This is not a medical helpline, if you require medical assistance, you should contact your GP, or call NHS 24 on 111.  

Request a gas repair including emergencies (Council Tenants)

If you are experiencing a problem with a gas appliance such as a gas central heating, hot water or other boiler issues, including a leaking heating system you should call Sureserve (previously Gas call):

01224 937 788 (open 24hrs, 7 days a week)

Contact Centre

03000 200 292 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, for:

  • Make a payment - option 1 (automated payment line available 24 hours a day)
  • Housing including housing repairs - option 2
  • Council tax, benefits and business rates - option 3
  • Waste, planning, environmental health and trading standards - option 4
  • Parking, roads, streets and transport - option 5 (9am - 5pm)
    • To switch vehicle registration on flexible parking permit outwith 9am and 5pm select option 4 during these times: Mon - Fri, 8am - 9am, Saturday, 8am - 6pm and Sunday, 1 - 5pm )
  • Registrars, bereavement and archives - option 6

Education and culture

03000 200 293 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, for:

  • Accord card and national entitlement cards - option 1
  • Libraries (loans, renewals and general enquiries) and information services - option 2
  • Museums and galleries - option 3
  • Schools (school placings and school transport) and nurseries - option 4
  • Family Information Service - option 5

If there is an immediate threat to your health and safety or risk of major damage to property out of our office hours of 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday or on a public holiday, please phone our Emergency Response Team on 03000 200 292.

The team will only progress requests that are a genuine emergency. Please report any non-emergencies online or by telephone during our daytime hours.

  • Emergency housing repairs - option 2
  • Emergency waste, trees, grounds, planning and trading standards - option 3
  • Emergency roads, street lighting, parking and transport - option 4

Our other emergency out of hours numbers are:

  • Antisocial behaviour - 0800 0510 434 (9pm to 4am) 
  • Homelessness - 0800 9176 379
  • Social work - 0800 7315 520
  • Scotland's Domestic Abuse Helpline - 0800 027 1234
  • Samaritans - 116 123
  • NHS 24 - 111

British Sign Language (BSL) users can contact us direct by using ContactSCOTLAND-BSL

Alternatively you can use the Next Generation Text Service also known as Text Relay by dialling 18001 + the required telephone number listed above.

We share details of news, events and service updates on our social media channels. We monitor our social media accounts during working hours, Monday to Friday, except on public holidays. We respond to as many messages or comments as we can. 

Please do not contact us on social media if your query is urgent, serious or involves personal details, please choose another way to contact us.






WhatsApp Channel

We provide self service facilities, emergency face-to-face support and sign posting for non-emergency services in our Customer Service Centre at Marischal College, during our opening hours of 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Most council services are available online and you should access these through our website wherever possible. Where face-to-face support is required, we offer an appointment only system for non-emergency issues.

If you wish to make a payment, these can be made online or by phone, or at your local Paypoint for rent and council tax.

Find your nearest Paypoint.

Aberdeen City Council Customer Service Centre
(please also specify service)
Ground Floor
Marischal College
Broad Street
AB10 1AB

Like many other organisations, our phone system has multiple phone lines into our call handlers and it can only display one dedicated number when calling out. For this reason we have a recorded message when a customer calls back to let them know that someone from Aberdeen City Council has called and that we will get back in touch.

Our dedicated number for this recorded message is 01224 545778.

The media office operates between 9am and 5pm.

In the first instance, media inquiries should be emailed to This email is for members of the media only - public inquiries will not be answered via this email.

We have an out of hours service for urgent media enquiries: 01224 522555. This number is for calls from members of the media only.

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Please note, this form is anonymous, we can't reply directly to your feedback. If you would like to report an issue, make a complaint or suggestion, please Contact Us.