Community corners to be given green makeover

02 November 2016

Areas of an Aberdeen community are to be given a green makeover by the Council’s environment team.

Aberdeen City Council’s Communities, Housing and Infrastructure Committee today approved that five corners of Seaton would benefit from new pocket parks.

The underused spaces will be brought to life with landscaping works including hedging, shrubs and trees with further plans to install bird boxes and benches to improve the look of the area.

The inspiration for the pocket parks came from the Seaton Backies Project, where a group of mothers from the community came together to upgrade the back gardens in the area with support from the Council.

Aberdeen City Council’s Communities, Housing and Infrastructure Committee convener Councillor Neil Cooney said: “It is absolutely vital that we continue with the movement inspired by the community of Seaton to improve their underused spaces and enhance the environment of the area.

“More and more as our city and communities are developed, it is important to protect greenspace and ensure that our families have access to parks and can engage in outdoor activity.”

Led by Aberdeen City Council, the initiative has already seen the first phase completed.

The areas were separated from the backcourts to improve security and provide safer access to the parks.

Grant funding for the remainder of the project is now being sought to complete the works.

The SUEZ Communities Trust is donating £20,000 towards to the cost of the project and a further £3,500 is being sought from the council’s housing revenue account.