Community councils take centre stage

17 November 2016

A drive to encourage more people to join community councils and establish new groups will be launched later this month.

On Tuesday 22 November, Aberdeen City Council will host a meeting at the Town House.

The informal information session will enable prospective community councillors to find out more about the work of existing community councils and how to get involved.

Aberdeen City Council is also looking to encourage the set-up of community councils in the following areas: Cattofield; Ferryhill and Ruthrieston; Seaton, Linksfield and Pittodrie; Summerfield; Westburn and Berryden.

Currently Aberdeen is covered by 30 community council areas, of which 25 are active. These community councils are statutory bodies, set up by an Act of Parliament, with a term of office of three years. They receive annual grants from the City Council based on a minimum sum of £500 plus a further 11p per elector in the community council area.

Anyone who lives in the community council area and whose name is on the electoral register can be nominated or apply to become a community councillor. There are also places for young people aged 16 and 17, and other co-options are allowed.

Aberdeen City Council leader Jenny Laing said: “Aberdeen is fortunate to have a number of active community councils, all of which play a vital role in representing the views of their communities to local authorities and other public bodies.

"They are a key part of a strong local democracy and I would urge anyone interested in local issues to come along to the event next week to find out more about becoming a community councillor and the important role they can play in helping to shape the area in which they live.

“We hope this event will encourage new community councils to set up and become involved in their local area."

The meeting will take place in Committee Room 5 at Aberdeen Town House from 7pm on 22 November.