Consultation event held on major rehousing programme

02 November 2016

Residents have today had their say on the next phase of a major rehousing programme.

A consultation event was held at Manor Park Communtiy Centre for residents of the Middlefield area to suggest possible options for the Triangle Site – an area of housing to be demolished to improve the health, well-being and quality of life for tenants.

Aberdeen City Council Communities, Housing and Infrastructure committee agreed on August 25 to rehouse residents of 112 properties at Logie Avenue, Logie Gardens, Logie Place and North Anderson Drive which would otherwise be surrounded by major new and existing roads.

Accordingly, those tenants affected are now being given the same priority status as those being rehoused for the construction of the Haudagain bypass road.

Today’s community engagement exercise was held to empower tenants to play a major role in shaping the Triangle Site for the future benefit of the community and to put forward their suggestions of what the site can be used for.

Aberdeen City Council Communities, Housing and Infrastructure vice convener Councillor Gordon Graham said: “Today’s event was hugely successful with members of community coming forward with positive and viable options for how we can use the Triangle Site.

“The feedback and ideas are invaluable to us as we continue our major regeneration plans in the area – the £35million Shaping Middlefield project.

“This organisation is committed to empowering all members of our communities to take a major role in developing the future of their area.”

The plans for rehousing were largely supported by tenants during a consultation event held by council officers in March where 76% preferring the option to demolish the properties.

The consultation showed 47% of tenants preferred to demolish the existing houses and create new open space with 26% preferring to demolish the houses and create a new commercial facility and 3% preferring demolition with the potential for new houses on the site.

The £35million Shaping Middlefield plan includes projects such as a new community facility, 179 new council homes, play park upgrades, green spaces and landscaping works as well as the new museum collection centre.