Local Transport Strategy agreed

20 January 2016

A Local Transport Strategy (LTS) for Aberdeen from 2016 to 2021 was agreed by the City Council's Communities, Housing and Infrastructure committee yesterday.

The strategy was developed to set out the policies and interventions adopted by Aberdeen City Council to guide the planning and improvement of the local transport network over the next five years.

A report to the committee said the new strategy went through a robust assessment process that has included a review of the previous LTS from 2008, an analysis of current transport trends and problems, a wide policy review and two rounds of consultation. As a result of this work, the report said, the new LTS sets out a balanced approach that the City Council believes will not only tackle the various problems and issues identified, but also reflects a consensus on the way forward.

The report said the main focus of the 2008 Local Transport Strategy (LTS) was on the delivery of the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route (AWPR) and the opportunities that this new road capacity would afford to reorganise and improve the use of the city's overall road network.

The new LTS, the report said, focuses its attention on the delivery of the range of actions required to achieve a series of newly formed outcomes for the city and ensure that complementary measures, which 'lock in' the benefits of the AWPR and other major infrastructure improvements, are maximised for everyone.

The report said that by 2021, Aberdeen's transport system should have Increased modal share for public transport and active travel, reduced the need to travel and reduced dependence on the private car, improved journey time reliability for all modes, improved road safety within the city, improved air quality and the environment, and improved accessibility to transport for all.

The committee heard to ensure the LTS remains up-to-date over its five-year lifespan, the council with introduce annual progress reports, reporting on delivery of the objectives and progress to meeting the outcomes.

Aberdeen City Council Communities, Housing and Infrastructure convener Councillor Neil Cooney said: "The key aim is to produce a sustainable transport system.

"A costed action and delivery plan will come before the council in March, and by then, we should be clearer with what's happening with the City Deal.

"This is a living document and we want to provide a clean, safe, green and accessible transport system for all."