Lord Provost signs Paris Agreement just before COP26 is held

27 October 2021

The Lord Provost of Aberdeen Barney Crockett has signed the Paris Agreement on behalf of Aberdeen City Council as part of a series of United Nations Association Scotland events in the run up to COP26.

The From Paris to COP26 events have covered issues within climate change from several perspectives and speakers and the Aberdeen one held at the Town House on Monday (25 October) evening had 65 attendees either in person or via video conferencing.

The programme of events aims to engage with leaders and individuals from all sectors to focus on contributing to the achievement of the Paris Climate Agreement and their latest commitments set out at the Climate Ambitions Summit, hosted by the UN and the UK government in December 2020.

The From Paris to COP26 events were held in the last couple of months on various aspects of climate change action, with speakers drawn from civic authorities, businesses, voluntary organisations, and academia.

They were also held to encourage as many individuals and organisations as possible to sign up for the Paris agreement. This symbolises support of the Paris Agreement as well as a personal pledge to do what is in your power to help the cause.

The Lord Provost of Aberdeen Barney Crockett said: “‘I am delighted to have hosted the closing ceremony in the programme of nine events From Paris to COP26. I would hope this programme is a significant contribution from civil society to raising public awareness of the need for urgent action on climate change and motivating people to act.”

PICTURE CAPTION:  Watching the Lord Provost were, L-R Joe Oechi, United Nation Association, Aberdeen, Dorothea Christiana; Chair of United Nations Association Scotland; Nigel Dower; Chair of United Nations Association Aberdeen;