Partnership working hailed a great success

09 November 2016

The Aberdeen Community Safety Partnership has praised residents for ensuring this year’s bonfire night passed without serious incident and attributed the success to continued multi-agency partnership work.

The number of incidents Scottish Fire and Rescue crews were called to this year was down by 23 compared to last year, with just 10 incidents being reported. There was also a 72% reduction in fire calls and 55% reduction in firework calls to Police Scotland's control room in Aberdeen. Police Scotland hailed the attitude of the communities of Aberdeen and the planning and hard work of all the partners that made the weekend safe for all.

Aberdeen City Council Leader Councillor Jenny Laing said: “It is extremely pleasing to hear that there is a decline is antisocial behaviour and criminal activity during the bonfire period.

“Results show that the collaborative work of the Community Safety Partnership is working and I would like to thank the parners for making our communities safer places for all.

“Unfortunately Aberdeen City Council had to cancel the Fireworks Spectacular due to poor weather conditions. I would like to thank all those involved for their hard work and for the positive response from the public. Cancelling any event is always disappointing but public safety is our paramount concern.”

Denis Law Streetsport hosted 16 free sporting activities in various venues across the city in the week leading to 5 November. The innovative programme provided by Streetsport helps to capture the imagination of young people living in the city and helped contribute to a safe bonfire night.

Denis Law Streetsport coordinator Mark Williams said: "The Denis Law Legacy Trust Streetsport initiative is pleased to support the work of the Community Safety Partnership whenever needed.

“Last week our team of fantastic staff and volunteers increased deployments into areas highlighted as potential trouble spots and provided free sport and creative activities for 300 young people across Aberdeen.

“Streetsport relies heavily on volunteers who give up their time to help deliver activities for local young people and I would like to thank everyone involved for their hardwork."

Gordon Riddel, Station Manager at Scottish Fire and Rescue, said: “This year’s bonfire night passed without incident and we are delighted with the low number of calls we received and the respect paid to paid fighters during the evening.

“The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service work hard with our partners and communities in the lead up to bonfire night every year and we are beginning to see the positive impact of that work. We would like to thank the public for their fantastic support.”

Partnership Inspector at Police Scotland Jason Carrigan said: “Our plan of putting schools officers out with fire crews and having additional officers responding to anti-social behaviour was vital in delivering a safe weekend. Our Special Constables were also a key part of these patrols, as they continued to volunteer and provide a valuable service in our communities.

“During our patrols officers engaged with over 70 young people, seized a number of fireworks and provided additional support where needed to our Fire and Rescue colleagues. Officers also charged one young person for setting a small fire.

“Pleasingly, across the weekend there were no assaults or issues for our staff attending calls. I'd like to thank residents for showing that they could enjoy bonfire night responsibly and treat emergency services with the respect they deserve.”