Proposals for Union Terrace Gardens to be unveiled

29 November 2016

This week [Friday, December 2] proposals for the revitalisation of Union Terrace Gardens (UTG) – a City Centre Masterplan (CCMP) project – are to be unveiled.

The designs are being drawn up by award-winning landscape design consultancy, LDA Design, based on concepts in the CCMP.

A public engagement exercise will run from December 2 to December 9 and residents will asked to share their views by completing a survey.

The proposals will be on display at the following locations:

The Academy, Belmont Street,

Saturday 3 December, 10am-6pm

Sunday 4 December, 10am-5pm

Christmas Village, Union Terrace Gardens,

Monday-Friday December 5-9, 11am-6pm,

except Thursday December 8 (11am-8pm)

Members of the design team will be present to answer any questions.

An online survey will be launched on December 2. Survey leaflets will also be available at the exhibition sites and Marischal College as well as libraries and community centres.

Feedback will be shared with the design team to inform the drawing up of detailed plans for UTG. A report is expected to go to Full Council in March, 2017.

Aberdeen City Council leader Councillor Jenny Laing said: "I hope you share my excitement about what December will bring in relation to this City Centre Masterplan project.

"I would urge you find time to study the drawings and the thinking behind them, and in turn to share your own views on the proposals.

"The Masterplan belongs to the city in the widest sense and your feedback will be used to help hone the detailed designs that will be brought before the Council in Spring for consideration."

Priorities identified by the public and stakeholders during the Masterplan consultation are the basis for the proposals, namely:

1. Preserving the green space

2. Accessibility

3. Create events space

4. Improve facilities

5. Safety

6. Heritage features

LDA Design’s proposals aim to meet modern expectations and standards around usage and inclusiveness while respecting UTG’s setting and history.

Deputy Council leader Marie Boulton, who chairs the cross-party City Centre Regeneration Board, said: “LDA Design were chosen by the Council to draw up proposals because they combine sympathy for landscape with innovation.

“The goal is to enhance and transform UTG by conserving its heritage while greatly improving access, amenity and activity.

“We are confident the proposals that come forward will have the potential to tick all the boxes and deliver something for everyone.”