Residents asked to stay local and stay safe this Easter weekend

01 April 2021

Aberdeen residents are being asked to stay local and stay safe this Easter weekend as coronavirus restrictions lift slightly tomorrow.

The previous ‘stay at home’ requirement is being replaced with a ‘stay local’ message which includes staying within your local authority boundary unless for an essential reason.

The ‘stay local’ message is expected to remain in place for at least three weeks.

People are asked to remember FACTS while they are visiting the parks, the beach, woodland areas, or beauty spots – Face coverings in enclosed spaces, Avoid crowded places, Clean your hands and surfaces regularly, Two metre physical distancing, Self-isolate and book a test if you develop coronavirus symptoms.

There is additional advice for visiting outdoor spaces which are likely to be busy with a sunny spells forecast tomorrow and slightly warmer weather on Saturday.

People are asked to avoid crowded places and to move on if somewhere is busy, and to park in designated areas as local people live in tourist areas so be considerate not to block driveways or access for emergency vehicles.

Residents are also asked to be responsible and respectful when in parks and open spaces by picking up litter and to take it home if bins are full, and also to follow the Scottish Outdoor Access Code particularly when in more wild areas and on farmland.

There is also a reminder to people that a face covering must be worn by all passengers and staff in taxi and private hire vehicles and in bus and railway stations, and people should avoid sharing in a vehicle with people who are not members of your household or extended household as much as possible.

An Aberdeen City Council spokeswoman said: “Residents are asked to remember to abide by Covid rules while they are enjoying being out and about a bit more while staying local.

“We live in a beautiful city with many places for people to visit including parks, the beach, woodland areas, and more wild countryside parks – we’d ask everyone to enjoy these in a responsible way.”

Police Scotland Chief Superintendent George Macdonald said: “People should not travel outwith their local authority area except for essential purposes. While Easter weekend is traditionally a time for visiting friends and family, I would urge people to stay local and follow the regulations on gatherings.”

More information is available from