Review of polling districts and polling places
27 June 2019
A review of polling districts and polling places is to be undertaken following a report presented by officers to members of Aberdeen City Council on Monday 24 June.
This is a statutory review of polling stations and polling places which must be undertaken every five years in accordance with the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 and it must take place between 01 October 2018 and 31 January 2020.
The review is intended to take account of learning and feedback from recent elections and any recent change in circumstances. Polling places must be accessible to all electors, including voters with a disability, so far as practicable.
Representations on the proposals are invited from elected representatives, political parties, electors within the Aberdeen City Council area and persons or organisations with expertise in respect of access to premises for people with different forms of disability. Those making submissions are requested to offer alternatives wherever possible.
Representations should be made in writing by post or by email:
Election OfficeAberdeen City CouncilTown HouseBroad StreetAberdeenAB10 1FY
The deadline for receipt of representations is Thursday 25 July 2019.
Any representations received will be posted on the Aberdeen City Council website and available for public inspection. After this deadline, and consideration of all representations received, a report containing the final proposals for polling districts and polling places will be submitted for consideration at a meeting of Aberdeen City Council.
Further information is available on the Council website.