Scottish Ministers approve Aberdeen City and Shire Proposed Strategic Development Plan 2020

14 August 2020

The Aberdeen City and Shire Strategic Development Plan 2020, which sets the strategic framework for investment in jobs, homes and infrastructure over the next 20 years has been approved by Scottish Ministers.

The new Strategic Development Plan 2020 builds on the previous Aberdeen City and Shire Strategic Development Plan (2014) and replaces it with immediate effect. The new Plan is also consistent with the Scottish Government's aspirations for the development of Scotland as set out in National Planning Framework 3 and Scottish Planning Policy.

The approval by Scottish Ministers keeps the strategic part of the Development Plan up-to-date, in line with Scottish Government targets.

Councillor John Cox, chair of the Strategic Development Planning Authority (SDPA), welcomed the approval of the new Plan. He said: "The approval of the City Region’s second Strategic Development Plan by Scottish Ministers is very welcome and timely given the current context of the Coronavirus pandemic as it enables both councils to support our communities and our plans to aid the recovery of our economy.

“There is a firm foundation for its implementation in place through both the Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Proposed Local Development Plans prepared by both councils. We are a city-region which strives to have achieved 100% coverage of up-to-date development plans, an achievement we should all be rightly proud of maintaining with the approval of the Strategic Development Plan 2020."

SDPA vice-chair Councillor Maire Boulton said: "With the consultation of Nestrans 2040 opening earlier this month and the approval of Strategic Development Plan 2020, we have a consistent and positive framework for both planning and transport at the City Region scale.

“This joint working between the SDPA and Nestrans, as well as the two councils, is very welcome and I am sure it will continue as we work with all parties to deliver the strategies to facilitate the growth aspirations of our plans."

Both councillors thanked all those who contributed to the preparation of the plan over the last three years, whether to the Main Issues Report in early 2018, the Proposed Plan in late 2018 or at any other stage, welcoming the shared commitment to the city-region's future.

The Aberdeen City and Shire Strategic Development Planning Authority (SDPA) is a partnership between Aberdeen City Council and Aberdeenshire Council tasked with preparing and keeping up-to-date a strategic development plan for the area. It is one of four SDPAs in Scotland covering the largest city-regions and was formed in 2008 under the Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006.