Statement: Beach Ballroom options appraisal

25 June 2019

At Aberdeen City Council’s annual budget meeting in March, councillors agreed to carry out an options appraisal to consider the future delivery model for the Beach Ballroom.

Recent media reports stating the Council has taken the decision to franchise the Beach Ballroom are inaccurate.

It should also be reiterated that selling the Beach Ballroom is not one of the options being considered.

Appointing an operator is one of possibilities being considered as part of the options appraisal and will be subject to the same rigorous evaluation as all potential delivery models as the Council seeks to ensure a vibrant future for one of the city’s iconic venues.

Potential operators have been invited to express interest as part of the options appraisal.

The rights of valued Council employees at the Beach Ballroom have been at the forefront of considerations and it has been stipulated from the outset that no changes to the existing terms and conditions of staff will be made if a change to the operating model is adopted following the options appraisal.

The Council is committed to working with staff and trade union representatives to ensure the Beach Ballroom and its skilled, dedicated team of employees continue to thrive.