Volunteer call to clear gorse in SSSI

17 January 2016

Aberdeen City Council Ranger Service is holding a Volunteer Workday at Scotstown Moor Local Nature Reserve on Saturday 23 January to clear the gorse that is invading the valuable heathland areas within the Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).

Volunteers should meet at 10am in the Scotstown Moor car park on Scotstown Road for the event, which runs until 3pm.

Countryside Ranger Rob Rowe said: "This is a follow on day to the successful Volunteer Workday we ran in November. If you have a few mince pies to burn off, why not join us and enjoy a bit of exercise in the fresh air while helping to improve this great local habitat?"

All tools and equipment and hot drinks will be provided for the work along with safety briefings. If the Countryside Rangers can get a fire going to burn the gorse, there will be baked potatoes and toasted marshmallows for participants. Everyone is welcome but a responsible adult must supervise children under 16 years.The work area will be sign posted from the car park in Scotstown Road and the Dubford Road entrance if participants arrive after 10am.

Booking, which is essential to clarify numbers of people attending for safety reasons, and can be carried out by contacting 01224 897400 or 07802 323919, or emailing lochinch@aberdeencity.gov.uk.