Work on diseased trees to be start this weekend

17 February 2017

The works to tackle diseased trees in the churchyard of the Kirk of St Nicholas in Aberdeen city centre are to start this weekend.

As previously publicised, the lime trees affected are directly behind the Smith Screen granite structure which fronts onto Union Street. The work will reduce the risk posed by fungal infections making the trees unsafe.

A total of 10 the trees – Latin name Tilia x europaea - are to be pollarded (crowns removed) and at a later date, they are to be replaced.

Two of the 14 trees are suffering from fungal infections. However, carrying out work on only the two affected trees would affect the stability of the others, leaving them at risk of toppling in high winds, and creating a health and safety risk endangering not only those visiting the Kirkyard or on Union Street, but also the Smith Screen.

Removing and replacing the trees with smaller trees will also significantly reduce the amount of bird and insect waste and leaves falling onto the Smith Screen, as well as reducing algae and foliage growth. Additionally it will reduce the amount of leaves and sap which create a slip hazard on the footpath.

There is an additional health and safety reason to reduce the height of these trees anyway as they would be at risk of toppling in high winds due to the way the branches have grown together.

The toppling would be a health and safety risk to those visiting the kirkyard and to people on Union Street, as well as a risk of damaging part of the Smith Screen.