Hundreds have their say on Union Terrace Gardens proposals

05 December 2016

More than 500 people have already taken part in a survey on proposals to revitalise Union Terrace Gardens (UTG), just three days after it was launched [December 2].

The public engagement exercise on this key City Centre Masterplan (CCMP) project will run until December 9.The UTG proposals have been drawn up by LDA Design and aim to conserve the Victorian park’s heritage while enhancing access, amenity and activity.

Funding for the £20 million project has been set aside in the existing Masterplan budget.

Council leader Councillor Jenny Laing said: “The proposals have generated enormous interest, excitement and comment across the city.

“People feel very passionate about UTG – something that became evident during the Masterplan consultation.

“We would welcome all feedback on the UTG proposals as the Masterplan belongs to the people of Aberdeen.”

The proposals were on display at The Academy shopping centre in Belmont Street over the weekend, where members of the design team answered questions from hundreds of visitors.

The staffed exhibition has moved to the Christmas Village, Union Terrace, and will remain there until December 9, 11am-6pm each day, except December 8 which is 11am-8pm.

Exhibition boards (unstaffed) are currently on display in Marischal College on Broad Street, where surveys are available.

Deputy Council leader Councillor Marie Boulton, who chairs the cross-party City Centre Regeneration Board, said: “The proposals are based on concepts which emerged during the Masterplan consultation."LDA Design's team have been out gathering views and will use the feedback to help produce detailed designs which further embrace the public's ideas and wishes.

“I would encourage everybody to study what’s on offer and to have their say by completing the survey, so we get the best result possible for the city and its residents.”

The proposals include:

• New accessible walkway route into the gardens from Union Street and lift access into the lower level of the gardens through a new entrance building on Union Street

• Lift access from Union Terrace into the upper level of the gardens through a new entrance building on Union Terrace at the existing Burns Monument

• New disabled parking spaces on Union Terrace directly adjacent to the new accessible walkway routes into the gardens

• Retaining the central lawn space as a flexible space for large scale gathering and events, and a new entrance plaza opposite His Majesty’s Theatre to accommodate smaller scale events

• Reinstating the ‘grand staircase’ as a central part of the new accessible route into the gardens from Rosemount Viaduct

• Retaining maximum number of existing trees as possible

Detailed designs are expected to go to Full Council in March, 2017. If approved, delivery work would start next year with a target completion date of autumn 2019.

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