400 Aberdeen youngsters receive Duke of Edinburgh Awards at city ceremony
27 February 2018
400 Aberdeen school pupils have been awarded Duke of Edinburgh awards with 185 of the recipients attending a special ceremony at the city’s Beach Ballroom last night (Monday 26 February).
This was the third year of the awards ceremony being run as a city wide event, and the number of participants attending to collect certificates has grown year on year, with this year being the biggest attendance yet. 32 pupils received Gold certificates.
The awards are recognition for youngsters - aged between 14 and 24 - who have participated in volunteering, physical, skills and expedition related activities to a high standard.
The Lord Provost of Aberdeen Barney Crockett was one of the attendees presenting the awards. The Lord Provost said: “The Duke of Edinburgh Awards scheme offers young people the opportunity to transform and raise their aspirations.
“With such a diverse range of activities and experiences available young people can meet others from different backgrounds, develop new skills and gain in confidence, which will benefit them now and into adulthood.
“The Duke of Edinburgh scheme has developed over the decades and with so many activities available here in Aberdeen I would encourage all our young people to find out how they can get involved.”
Alongside the certificate presentation, there was also a number of volunteering awards presented to recognise the commitment and dedication of the some of those school staff, senior pupils, parents and other volunteers from the local community who were willing to give up their time to support and mentor young people through their award.
With 2018 being the Year of the Young Person, a number of pupils from Hazlehead Academy helped to organise and co-present the ceremony. Entertainment on the night included Fusion, a City Moves youth dance group and Simple Glory, a youth rock band from Northfield.