Aberdeen City Council committed to free school meals provision over summer

07 July 2020

Aberdeen City Council has re-affirmed its commitment to providing free school meals over the summer holiday period.

With schools breaking up last week, the Council reassured parents that the provision will continue for children eligible until schools reopen in August, despite the economic impact of Covid-19 on Council funds.

The provision of free school meals will continue in the form of supermarket vouchers which were introduced in response to the enforced closure of schools since March.

Parents are provided with a weblink in order to access a fortnightly voucher worth £25 which can be redeemed at the supermarket chain of their choice.

In addition to the vouchers, catering will also be provided during the summer break at Orchard Brae School and childcare hubs across the city which the Council opened to help children and young people particularly affected by the Covid-19 outbreak.

Councillor John Wheeler, Education Operational Delivery Convener, said: “The health and wellbeing of our children and young people is an absolute priority for us. We are committed to continuing with the voucher system, as well as catering at our childcare hubs, over the summer months so that no child is disadvantaged”.