Aberdeen City Council staff continue to battle the Beast from the East
28 February 2018
Aberdeen City Council staff were today continuing to battle the effects of the Beast from the East with round-the-clock gritting operations.
The full complement of roads services staff have been out in road and pavement gritters and on foot to spread salt on roads and pavements in areas across the city.
Conditions have been described as ‘challenging’ amid the amber weather warning placed on the city by the Met Office with plunging temperatures tonight and continued heavy snow and high winds.
Resources which were used today include 17 road gritters, 15 pavement gritters, 9 pick-ups which distribute the salt to the pavement gritters, 50 roads services staff, with additional help to 50 grounds services staff with vehicles working in sheltered housing areas, cemeteries and pavements.
The weather today included scattered snow showers through the day with temperatures struggling to climb above zero, and road surface temperatures remained well below zero, with snow and ice in many places.
Aberdeen City Council transport spokesman Councillor Ross Grant said: “Today was challenging for our staff on the ground who have been out gritting in the sub-zero temperatures, and for the staff in the offices co-ordinating and responding to the changing conditions.
“Police Scotland has given ‘avoid travel’ advice for the amber weather warning and although we’re not as bad in Aberdeen as other parts of the country, people should still remember conditions are likely to remain icy and with poor visibility during windblown snow and snow showers.
“We still have a good amount of salt for our gritting operations and more was on order anyway so we are as prepared as we can be, and we really appreciate the work that many people around the city are doing to salt their own communities as I’m sure people realise one of our main priorities is to keep the main roads and pavements open so our efforts are concentrated there.
“The snow and icy conditions look like they are continuing into the weekend so we’d ask residents to plan any journey they’re undertaking and follow local police on Twitter and Facebook for updates.”
Headteachers decide on whether a school is closed or has a late opening, and the latest information can be found on the ACC school closures website at https://aberdeencity.gov.uk/school-closures?page=1.