Aberdeen City Libraries sign up to safe places scheme

04 March 2020

Aberdeen City Libraries have signed up to a scheme aimed at giving people suffering anxiety or from abuse, a haven where they can feel safe.

The Libraries have become a member organisation for the Keep Safe Scheme, an initiative developed by Police Scotland in partnership and the ‘I AM ME’ Scotland charity.

The initiative aims to provide a variety of locations where people can find assistance, comfort and safety should they feel scared or experience abuse whilst going about their daily life. By offering a network of safe places, the scheme aims to encourage people to participate in daily community life free from fear of harassment or abuse.

Sometimes, due to disability or illness, people can easily become lost or disorientated when out and about, especially in an area which is unfamiliar to them. The Keep Safe Scheme offers a reassurance that there is somewhere to seek assistance when it is required.

Councillor Claire Imrie, Aberdeen City Council’s mental health spokesperson, said: “I’m delighted that our libraries staff are participating in such a tremendous initiative. It’s such a simple idea to offer people plentiful safe places but the best ideas are often the simplest and this one gets my whole-hearted support”.

Users if this scheme will now be able to use the Keep Safe Scotland app to locate the nearest of the city’s libraries, or other designated spaces, and be guided there. Staff at each location have received training on how to assist and support members of the public under the Keep Safe Scheme and will be on hand to offer help where needed, or simply provide a safe place to rest and recover. More information on the Keep Safe Scheme can be found here - http://www.iammescotland.co.uk/keep-safe/about-keep-safe/