Aberdeen Remembrance Sunday event to return to War Memorial

10 November 2021

Aberdeen’s Remembrance Sunday event will return to the traditional format this year, of military parade, civic procession and wreath laying ceremony at the War Memorial, Schoolhill on 14 November.

Last year, there was no military parade, civic procession or wreath laying ceremony and a small invitation service held due to strict Covid restrictions in place at that time.

This year, the military parade will form up on Belmont Street and will set off at 10.40am. It will be joined shortly afterwards at the War Memorial by the Civic Procession, led by the Lord Provost of Aberdeen Barney Crockett.

The Service of Remembrance, conducted by Rev Scott Rennie, will commence at 10.50am. The service is expected to finish at approximately 11.20am.

The public, who are welcome to attend, are requested to remain behind the safety barriers that will be in place for the duration of the event. Stewards will be in attendance to ensure that, as far as possible, pedestrian corridors are maintained for those passing by.

The Lord Provost of Aberdeen Barney Crockett said: “Aberdeen has a proud history of support for our Armed Forces and the Act of Remembrance allows us to mark the sacrifices made by so many during times of conflict and to remember those who have been injured physically and mentally by conflict.

“I appreciate that many individuals and organisations were disappointed that they could attend last year’s Remembrance event due to Covid restrictions, and I very much hope we can all come together on Sunday in an Act of Remembrance.”

As this is an outdoor event, there are no specific Covid measures required. The wearing of face coverings is optional.