Aberdeen event to highlight decommissioning opportunities in Brazil

27 November 2017

Aberdeen City Council’s international trade team will put the focus on Brazilian oil and gas decommissioning opportunities for Scottish companies at a special event on Thursday (30 November).

In Brazil, approximately 150 offshore production units are currently in operation. According to the National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP), more than 50% of these structures have been operating for more than 25 years. Brazil is therefore seeking later life and decommissioning skills from the North Sea for upcoming projects.

A business seminar will hear from the UK Department of International Trade (DIT); Petrobras, Brazil’s national oil company and various organisations from the Brazilian Society of Marine Engineering (Sobena). Companies attending will be looking for strategic partnerships and will be available for pre-arranged one to one meetings after the seminar.

The speakers for the session are Flavia Silva (Business Development Manager – Oil and Gas, Department of International Trade), Ronald Carreteiro (Coordinator of the Decommissioning Committee, Sobena) and Eduardo Zacaron (Decommissioning Manager, Petrobras).

Decommissioning Opportunities in Brazil will take place at Aberdeen Town House on 30 November from 8.30-10.30am.

Tickets can be booked at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/decommissioning-opportunities-in-brazil-tickets-39912700963

For further information on this event or to set a one-to-one meeting with any of the Brazilian companies please contact the Aberdeen City Council International Trade Team on international@aberdeen.gov.uk