Aberdeen is a city where all people can prosper

04 December 2018

The second annual outcome improvement report, which reveals how partner agencies in Aberdeen are working together to deliver improved outcomes for those who live, work, visit and do business in the city, has been approved by the Community Planning Aberdeen Board.  

The report details how Community Planning Aberdeen (CPA) partner organisations have worked together over the past year to progress the Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) 2016-26.

The LOIP is a clear vision and 10-year plan on how CPA will work together and with the people of Aberdeen to achieve greater outcomes through the LOIP’s key themes: People, Place, Economy and Technology.

The second outcome report reflects on the themes and priorities within the LOIP and the progress made to date. These include:


26,702 people involved in or benefited from 45 funded initiatives and small grants supporting community engagement through the Fairer Aberdeen Fund, which is allocated by Aberdeen City Council and aims to tackle poverty and deprivation.

Educational attainment at NVQ4 level and above of resident population has increased from 47% to 52%.

90.8% of young people are entering positive destinations.

Educational attainment gap reduced by 7.5% between the highest and lowest achieving 20% of young people.

The number of young people accused in relation to multiple crimes decreased by 48%.


Overall crime has decreased by 17% since 2015/16.

The number of hydrogen vehicles has increased from 10 to 30.

70% of people reported that they were satisfied with the city’s green spaces in 2017/18.

Locality Partnerships between public services and local people were established in Torry; Middlefield, Mastrick, Cummings Park, Northfield and Heathryfold; and Seaton, Woodside and Tillydrone in April 2017 to support priority communities deliver locality plans, which were produced with residents through community engagement.


City Centre premises occupancy has increased from 90.3% to 90.8%.

Four UDECIDE participatory budgeting (PB) events took place last year with 125 bids received by local groups, individuals and organisations with £70,000 made available to help deliver the 40 successful projects.


The percentage of households that are in properties passed by superfast broadband provision has increased from 83% in 2015/16 to 95.5% in 2017/18.

Aberdeen City Council Co-Leader Councillor Jenny Laing, as Chair of Community Planning Aberdeen, said: “It is clear from the report that the CPA is already making an impact and helping to improve the lives of people of all ages across Aberdeen.

“There are some really powerful statistics and examples of community planning in action as the Council works with the Police, NHS, communities and a range of other valued partners to meet common goals.

“We have achieved a great deal in a short period of time – but there’s lots of hard work ahead. Hard work we should all embrace given the prize of a better city for all.”

To watch a video in which Councillor Laing talks about the progress made to date by Community Planning Aberdeen, click on https://youtu.be/_CoyobXdoW8

Looking ahead to 2019 the Community Planning Aberdeen aims include: to provide earlier support for families of people involved in the justice system; to develop community food skills and knowledge about sustainable food provision in the city; to increase the number of people recruited by local employers from CPA’s skills academies; and to further improve the city’s digital infrastructure by expanding free wi-fi in the city including fibre network and 4G small cell network.

Residents who would like to get involved can contact Aberdeen City Voice – a panel of city residents who agree to share their views on a range of issues. To join visit www.communityplanningaberdeen.org.uk/cityvoice or email cityvoice@aberdeencity.gov.uk for more information.

The Civic Forum is another way in which individuals and communities can have share their views and promote their priorities for community planning in the city. For more information visit www.civicforumaberdeen.com

To receive a full copy of the Annual Performance Report or to find out more about the LOIP, please visit www.communityplanningaberdeen.org.uk or email communityplanning@aberdeencity.gov.uk

Community Planning Aberdeen consists of: Aberdeen CityCouncil; Police Scotland; Scottish Fire and Rescue; Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership; Integrated Children’s Services; ACVO; NESTRANS; North East Scotland College; University of Aberdeen; Scottish Enterprise; Alcohol and Drugs Partnership; Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce; Robert Gordon University; Sport Aberdeen; Scottish Environmental Protection Agency and the Civic Forum.