Aberdonians urged to donate to Lord Provost’s Trust appeal to support Afghan families

17 September 2021

The Lord Provost of Aberdeen Barney Crockett is making a personal plea to the people and businesses in the city to consider making a financial donation to the Aberdeen Afghanistan Appeal.

The Lord Provost’s Charitable Trust launched the Crowdfunding appeal a week ago (Wednesday 08 September) in response to the rapid escalation of events in Afghanistan accelerated the UK Government’s plans – and the Home Office procured short-term accommodation in the city for more than 100 people. 

Two coaches with 24 families on board – a total of 104 men, women and children – arrived in the city in the early hours on Saturday 11 September.

The council is among a number of local authorities that is supporting families across the UK during their temporary resettlement. 

The council has joined public and third sector partners in meeting families’ immediate needs whilst working with government to identify more settled accommodation in the UK. 

The Council and key partners are working together to ensure an integrated response that will be co-ordinated and effective. This includes assessing the needs of each family when they arrive and providing them with a tailored package of support based on their individual needs.

Once a clear understanding of what is needed on the ground to effectively support the Aberdeen Afghan Families, detailed information will be made available on the Council’s and partners websites and social media channels. This will enable members of the public and community groups and other interested parties to offer the appropriate support and provide donations of items that will help families settle into life here in Aberdeen.

The Lord Provost of Aberdeen Barney Crockett said: “A great many individuals and businesses are facing challenging times like never before however I know that the good people of Aberdeen are known for looking after the vulnerable and disadvantaged.

“I would encourage everyone to imagine what the families have gone through to get here and consider making a donation, no matter how small, to make the children and their families feel welcome and safe in Aberdeen.”

The Lord Provost added: “The best way to make a direct and meaningful contribution to the welfare of the families is by clicking on the link to the crowdfunding page or visit https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/lord-provosts-charitable-trust and follow the simple instructions.”  

Any organisation or individual that would like to discuss making a sizable donation can email lordprovost@aberdeencity.gov.uk  marking it for the attention of Garry Watson, Clerk to The Lord Provost’s Charitable Trust.

ACVO Partnership Manager Susan Morrison, one of the partner organisations working closely with Aberdeen City Council to support the city’s response to the arrival of the Afghan families, said: “There have been many occasions in the past, not least during the pandemic, when Aberdeen’s Community, Voluntary, and Third Sectors have stood up to be counted.

“ACVO is proud to be playing our part in coordinating the sectors’ responses to this humanitarian effort and looks forward to extending the hand of friendship and support to Afghan families.”