Advice to be given for users of Deeside Way

22 May 2019

Users of Deeside Way - whether they’re on four legs, two legs, four wheels or two wheels - can get advice on Saturday about responsible use of the path.

Aberdeen City Council Countryside Ranger Service are going to be joining forces with Cults, Milltimber and Bieldside Community Council, Police Scotland, British Horse Society and NESTRANS on the Deeside Way on Saturday 25 May to talk to users about responsible use of this wonderful resource.

The partnership of local groups and agencies are keen to promote responsible use of the Deeside Way by walkers, cyclists and horse riders and encourage awareness of the needs of the different users so everyone can enjoy getting outdoors and improve their health and wellbeing.

The event has been driven by the Community Council in response to concerns over people being aware of their responsibilities towards other users of the Deeside Way.

NESTRANS will be offering free bike bells to help cyclists to warn other users they are approaching. The team will be promoting responsible access to the outdoors including responsible dog and horse exercising.

The team will be on the Deeside Way near the West Cults station between 11am to 3pm.