Celebratory event marks improvements in children’s care services
03 February 2017
Quality improvements that help improve outcomes for Aberdeen’s children and young people were celebrated today (Friday 3 February) in a special event at the Beach Ballroom.
Aberdeen City Council Leader, Jenny Laing was one of the keynote speakers at the event which marked the success of Aberdeen’s Integrated Children’s Team, in building quality improvement capacity.
The improvements were in response to the challenges set over the last 5 years to practitioners and teams in Aberdeen to use methodologies and programmes that would improve services, and outcomes attainment and achievement for children, young people and their families. The programmes also aimed to raise attainment and achievements for children and young people accessing care services.
Councillor Laing said: “One of the greatest challenges facing these improvement programmes was in building capacity in Quality Improvement across the Children’s Services workforce. It’s great to be able to come along today and celebrate the achievements of Aberdeen’s Integrated Children’s team in working together in delivering exactly that”.
During 2016, Aberdeen’s Integrated Children’s Services team worked together to develop and deliver a Quality Improvement Learning Programme which supported 12 participants in developing their skills while, at the same time, make progress with an improvement project.
Councillor Laing added: “We are not resting on our laurels however, and an important part of today’s event is to share learning, both locally and nationally, that will help us in supporting further improvements in the care services we provide to children and young people in care”.