City Council to consider how it supports Gordon Highlanders Museum

21 June 2017

Aberdeen City Council today (Wednesday 21 June) approved a motion to instruct officers to investigate what financial support can be provided by the Council to the Gordon Highlanders Museum to help ensure the survival and future success of the facility.

In the motion put forward by Councillor John Cooke the Council was asked to note that the museum is the only five star rated attraction in the city, and is important in attracting visitors to Aberdeen; and that it represents an important educational resource. Members were also reminded of the close and long-standing connections between Aberdeen and this historic regiment.

The motion before members stated that the museum is facing a funding crisis due to a drop in income from its commercial activities, resulting from the recent downturn in the local economy; and has launched an appeal to raise £300,000 over a three year period; but expects to be able to return to being self-funding thereafter.

A report will go before a future meeting of the Finance, Policy and Resources Committee.