Community Planning Aberdeen reaffirms commitment to citizens
26 February 2019
The refreshed Aberdeen City Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) 2016-26 has been formally approved by the Board of Community Planning Aberdeen today (Tuesday 26 February 2019).
Launched in 2016, the Local Outcome Improvement Plan 2016-26 identifies how Community Planning Aberdeen – a multi-agency partnership – will work together to ensure Aberdeen is a place where all people can prosper, regardless of their background or circumstances.
The refreshed LOIP has been structured around three strategic themes of Economy, Place and People (children and young people; adults) and key aspirations which the partnership aims to achieve by 2026. These are:
By 2026: 90% of working people will earn the living wage. By 2026: Employment in priority sectors – digital and creative, food and drink, life sciences, tourism, construction and social care and health will increase by 10%.PLACE
By 2026: No one in Aberdeen will go without food due to poverty. By 2026: To help tackle climate change, Aberdeen’s carbon emissions will be reduced by 42.5%. By 2026: 38% of people will walk and 5% of people will cycle as their main modes of travel.PEOPLE – CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE
By 2026: 95% of children aged 0-5 will reach their expected developmental milestones on time. By 2026: 90% of children and young people will report that they feel mentally well. By 2026: Aberdeen will be a UNICEF Child Friendly city which supports all children to prosper. By 2026: 95% of care experienced children and young people will achieve the same levels of education, emotional wellbeing and positive destinations as their peers. By 2026: 95% of young people living in our priority localities will move on to education, employment or training when they leave school. By 2026: 25% fewer young people under 18 will be charge with an offence.PEOPLE – ADULTS
By 2026: Healthy life expectancy – the amount of time people can expect to live in good health – will be five years longer. By 2026: The rate of harmful levels of alcohol consumption will reduce by 4%. By 2026: 25% fewer people each year will have received first court conviction. By 2026: 2% fewer people will be reconvicted within one year of being sentenced. By 2026: The number of drug related deaths will be lower than the Scottish average.Councillor Jenny Laing, Chair of Community Planning Aberdeen and Co-Leader of Aberdeen City Council said: “Our vision is that by 2026 Aberdeen will be a place where all people can prosper.
“The refreshed LOIP reflects a refocus of the partnership on priority issues – Economy; Place; People including children, young people and adults. It reflects our desire to tackle inequalities and help all people, families, businesses and communities to succeed and flourish.
“No single sector or profession can improve outcomes for people and place alone, therefore it is essential we act collaboratively across the Community Planning Partnership and with businesses through their social responsibilities to ensure our key ambitions for the City of Aberdeen and it’s people are achieved.”
Chief Superintendent Campbell Thomson, Police Scotland, Vice chair of Community Planning Aberdeen said: “All members of the Community Planning Aberdeen are determined to work together as a whole to enable and empower local people, communities and partnerships to be the makers of their own improved outcomes.
“Each of the Community Planning Partners plan the delivery of their services in a range of ways. As partners we accept these differences in delivery structures but are united in our commitment to working together with local people to achieve improved outcomes.”
To view the refreshed Local Outcome Improvement Plan, please click on this link:
To measure the success in delivering this refreshed Local Outcome Improvement Plan for the city, the Community Planning Partnership will receive quarterly progress reports.
Community Planning Aberdeen: Aberdeen City Council; ACVO; Aberdeen Civic Forum; North East Scotland College; Police Scotland; Scottish Fire and Rescue; Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership; NHS Grampian; NESTRANS; Skills Development Scotland; Scottish Enterprise; Active Aberdeen Partnership.