Consultation planned on options for new Local Development Plan
23 January 2019
A major public consultation exercise is to be held as a next step in drawing up a key planning document that will shape Aberdeen in years ahead.
The Aberdeen Local Development Plan (LDP) provides a land use framework – including potential housing sites – to ensure the city grows and prospers in a sustainable manner.
Aberdeen City Council’s Capital Programme Committee agreed today [January 23] to seek views on the Main Issues Report, with the outcomes expected to be reported to the Full Council along with the Proposed Plan in 2020.
This is the first stage in producing a revised LDP that will eventually replace the current Plan, which was adopted in 2017 and runs for five years.
The public consultation is expected to start in late February and will run for 10 weeks rather than the statutory minimum of six weeks.
Committee convener Councillor Marie Boulton said: “We want to give the community and the development industry plenty of time respond to the Report, which sets out potential new policies as well as proposals for new development.
“The Main Issues Report is not a draft version of the plan but presents a preferred option and reasonable alternatives for development following earlier consultation with keys stakeholders.
“It is important to note that at this stage the Committee has agreed only that the Report be issued for public consultation. The feedback we receive will help determine what happens next and I would encourage everyone to have their say.”
Emerging themes include city centre living, supporting and growing visitor attractions, residential care facilities, and green technologies.
Developers and landowners submitted 146 development bids, promoting sites for inclusion in the Main Issues Report.
The report will be published on the Council website in the coming weeks and copies made available in the City’s libraries and at Marischal College.
An action programme will accompany the new LDP when adopted, including timescales for the delivery of key infrastructure such as schools, transport proposals, health and community facilities.