Consultation to shape Aberdeen’s Local Housing Strategy

01 February 2018

Views on the future of housing in Aberdeen are being sought as plans for the next five years are prepared.

Aberdeen City Council is consulting on the Local Housing Strategy (LHS) for 2018-23 and is seeking input from members of the public.

The strategy will outline the Council’s aims and aspirations for the delivery of housing and housing services.

Cllr Yvonne Allan, Communities, Housing and Infrastructure convener, said: “The Council has a duty to agree its LHS and it is underpinned by the vision of all people in Aberdeen living in good quality, sustainable homes which they can afford which meet their needs.

“It is vital that those we serve in the city take the opportunity to have their say and help shape the strategy through this consultation.”

The LHS aims to deliver six overarching strategic outcomes: Ensure there is an adequate supply of housing across all tenures and ensure that homes are the right size, type and location that people want to live in with access to suitable services and facilities; Prevent and alleviate homelessness; People are supported to live, as far as is reasonably practicable, independently at home or in a homely setting in their community; Improve consumer knowledge, management standards and property condition in the private rented sector; Reduce fuel poverty and contribute to meeting climate change targets; Improve the quality of housing of all tenures across the city during the development of the strategy’s six broad themes.

The strategy will be presented to councillors in spring 2018 for their consideration. The public consultation survey can be completed online following this link and will be open until midnight on Sunday 18 February 2018.