Council approves plan to adjust senior phase partnership curriculum to help pupils’ further prospects

26 November 2020

Aberdeen City Council today (Thursday 26 November) approved a plan to adapt the partnership curriculum for senior phase pupils to adjust to the changing local economy and support positive career and further study destinations.

The Education Operational Delivery Committee approved the proposal which reflects the impact of the COVID19 pandemic has had had on employability and training options for young people leaving school and the need to ensure that the partnership curriculum ideally supports school leavers into further, higher education or employment.

The senior phase partnership curriculum has since 2018-19 allowed young people in Aberdeen the opportunity to gain a wider range of qualifications and achievements beyond those available through the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA).

Over the last two years all Aberdeen Secondary schools have undertaken a curriculum design review to ensure that the offering meets the needs of young people. In the same period, positive destinations for school leavers have increased as has attainment

However, research shows that the economic impact of the economic downturn in the oil and gas industries and the impact of Covid-19 will have an impact on the prospects for young people while at the same time there are new and changing growth sectors. A revised curriculum will seek to address these factors and maintain positive destinations.

Committee Convener Councillor John Wheeler, said: “I am delighted that we endorsed a plan that will adapt our Senior Phase Partnership Curriculum to meet the changing economic landscape and help our young people overcome these new challenges

“By focusing on increasing digital skills among learners, aligning the curriculum with growth sectors such as energy transitions, health and social care and life sciences, encouraging the building of skill sets through volunteering and introducing Apprentice Pathway programmes we will ensure that our senior pupils have the best support possible in reaching positive destinations.”

The Council’s Education Team will now work with Secondary Head Teachers to consider the plan’s short, medium and longer-term priorities and how they can be taken forward.