Council approves strategy to involve parents in children’s learning

25 January 2018

Councillors today (Thursday 25 January) approved plans for an updated strategy that will seek to engage with parents and involve them more in the education of their children in Aberdeen.

A strategy report has been approved and the current action plan for improving parental engagement will be updated to reflect current guidance and legislation.

Councillor John Wheeler, Convener of the Aberdeen City Council Education and Children’s Services committee which considered the report today, said: “Positive outcomes for our children, young people and their families, including those with protected characteristics, is a key focus for Aberdeen City Council.

“Improved parental engagement will help parents to support their child’s learning and raise aspirations.”

The strategy will take into account local needs and is expected to have a positive impact on individual communities across Aberdeen City.

Once the strategy is in place, schools will be encouraged to use a range of communication methods with parents, including social media, blogs and school websites. Access via school websites and the Aberdeen City Council website is planned.