Disabled Equity Partnership looking for new members

12 December 2017

More members are sought for an influential disabled organisation in Aberdeen which helps to shape City Council policy and decisions.

The Disability Equity Partnership (DEP) made the appeal as it celebrates its first anniversary with the aim to drive forward changes.

These include ensuring revamped city centre streets are more accessible and campaigning on issues important to the group including bus services.

The group comprises of residents with a variety of disabilities, representatives of disability organisations, councillors, and other members of the community. DEP is a diverse and passionate group of advocates who have created a foundation within the city for building equality, accessibility and acceptance for those with disabilities.

DEP convener Dame Anne Begg has been supported by Ron Holding, vice convener.

Dame Anne said “DEP gives a voice to disabled people and we’re looking forward to further shaping and influencing decisions made by the City Council.

“We’d welcome more members as the more people we have, the bigger and more diverse voice we have. We have achieved a lot in our first year and are looking forward to how we can help in the years ahead.”

Anyone interested in becoming a member of DEP should contact Sandra Howard , Equalities Manager at Aberdeen City Council on 01224 523039 or email showard@aberdeencity.gov.uk.Top of Form