Eco-friendly organisations in city celebrate with awards
12 November 2019
Top eco-friendly organisations from around Aberdeen ranging from schools to community groups were today presented with awards for their achievements.
The 2019 Ecocity Awards, which are organised by Aberdeen City Council, attracted nearly 30 submissions from around the city in nine categories.
The Overall EcoCity Award went to Bonnymuir Garden from Bonnymuir Green Community Trust and the Judges’ Award went to Project Craster from Aberdeen City Council’s Environmental Services team.
Bonnymuir Green Community Trust charity group transformed an unused former overgrown bowling green into a thriving community hub and green space which includes a community garden growing fruits and vegetables, a wild meadow, ponds, mixed borders and play area. There is also a Saturday community café run by volunteers. The community garden has improved biodiversity with the establishing of a wild meadow of native grass and flowers, make use of organic gardening methods, and carry out their own composting. The group also makes use of recycled waste wood to build vegetable beds and play equipment. Since opening in January 2019, there has been more than 1,800 visits to the green.
An Aberdeen City Council spokeswoman said: “Many congratulations to the winners and our thanks go to everyone who took part in the 2019 Eco-Awards with the encouragement to keep up the good work and keep spreading the eco-friendly message.
“Our community groups and schools around the city do a fantastic job of spreading the eco-friendly message and deserve to be congratulated for their hard work.”
Entrants were judged by judges representing different teams across the City Council, other external organisations, and voluntary and third sector organisations.
Participants all received a certificate to mark their diverse achievements towards making Aberdeen a more sustainable city.
The other EcoCity Award Winners 2019 are:
Growing Smarter Individual – The Council Gardener vlog, Danny Shand; Growing Smarter Organisation – DolphinWatch, RSPB Scotland; Sustainable Food – Bonnymuir Garden, Bonnymuir Green Community Trust; Clean-up Champion (Individual) - CleanUp Aberdeen, Lorna Graham; Clean-up Champion (Organisation) - School Project, Aberdeen University Marine Society; Sustainable Travel - Walking Bus Scheme, Cults Primary School; Waste and Recycling Champion EcoCity - Nappy Library, NCT Aberdeen.
NUMBER 4299-Aberdeen Eco-City Awards- Bonnymuir Green Community Trust, awarded- Sustainable Food and Overall ecoCity award l-R Jim Lee and Greg Welsh
NUMBER 4301- Grow Smart award to RSPB Scotland, collected by Sadie Gorvett presented by Stephen Balfour, CFINE
NUMBER 4326-Danny Shand with, best newcomer award and Grow smarter (individual award)
NUMBER 4308- Lorna Graham-Clean up Champion individual
NUMBER 4314- Sustainable travel- Cults Primary school-Alex Cox, 8 year old, Rebecca Stuart, Annie Stewart, 7 year old Alison Stuart, Kiran Ipenburg , 7 year old, Both Rebecca and Alison work on walk to school programme
NUMBER 4238 & 4324-Clean Up Organisation, presented by Steven Shaw to Aberdeen University Marine Society, Paula Lacetera (Glasses), Amy Morrison, with Olu Fatokun, Sustainability Officer
NUMBER 4229-waste and recycle champions, presented by Craig Donoghue, One Stop Waste, to Georgina Forsyth, Donna Winston, Steven Shaw