Employability service providers invited to information session
17 March 2017
Employability service providers are invited to attend a session to find out if they are interested in partnering with Aberdeen City Council to deliver interventions which will support unemployed disabled people and people claiming reserved benefits who are at risk of long-term unemployment.
The aim of Fair Start Scotland is to provide a tailored range of support which can respond flexibly to the individual needs of unemployed people and their prospective employers whilst ensuring best use of resources.
The programme will deliver high quality employment support to unemployed people, including those with complex issues who want to work and need help to enter and/or remain in the labour market.
Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire Councils are leading a partnership bid together.
The first stage of this process is to meet with partners who would like to work in partnership in developing and delivering the bid.
Interested organisations will need to have:
a proven track record in delivering employability support and programmes to clients who have complex needs experience of partnership bids and working delivered programmes with stage outcome payments (no up-front payments) delivered provision along the stages set out within the employability pipeline demonstrated an approach which is creative and client led demonstrate the effectiveness of securing sustainable employment for this client groupInterested service providers are invited to attend the partnership meeting on 23 March in the New Town House (admission via Broad Street) Aberdeen at 1pm.
Anyone wishing to attend should email mhairi.reid@aberdeenshire.gov.uk.