Former French school building to be used by the city’s Grammar School
19 November 2020
The former Total French school building in Esslemont Avenue is to be used as an extension to the Grammar School, Aberdeen City Council announced today.
The move has become possible as the previous tenancy agreement ended on the 1st November 2020.
The pupil roll at Aberdeen Grammar School is increasing, and school roll forecasts indicate that the school will exceed its stated pupil capacity, with pupil numbers continuing to rise at least until 2026.
School staff will now plan in detail how best to utilise the additional space provided by the former French school and it is expected that the building will be fully operational from early 2021.
Aberdeen City Council Co-Leader Councillor Jenny Laing said: “I am absolutely delighted that the ending of the longstanding commercial lease means this building can now be fully utilised for the benefit of Aberdeen Grammar School pupils and staff.
“I know this decision will be warmly welcomed by staff, pupils and parents alike as the extra accommodation will provide the school with additional teaching space and afford staff greater flexibility as they deliver their high quality and diverse curriculum.”
A business case for using the former French school building was approved by the City Council’s Capital Board.
The costs associated with running an additional building within the school site are expected to be covered by existing revenue budgets.