Localised flooding in Aberdeen – update

12 August 2020

A number of schools remain affected by the severe weather that Aberdeen experienced earlier today (Wednesday 12 August).

Some schools were forced to close before the scheduled reopening while others were open after a short delay.

School staff contacted parents/guardians via Groupcall and provided details updates on the council website. For the latest updates on schools affected visit www.aberdeencity.gov.uk

The heavy rain saw numerous roads closed due to localised flooding. As of 5pm today three roads remain closed. These are:

Golf Road Holburn Street (near Gray Street) St Andrews Street at George Street

The latest information on roads affected by flooding can also be found on the council website.

Council tenants are advised that if their home has been damaged by flooding and in need of emergency repair, to contact Housing Repairs (24/7) on 03000 200 292 (Option 2).

Any council tenant who has had to vacate their property as a matter of urgency because of flooding and requires emergency assistance should contact Housing Repairs 03000 200 292 (Option 2).

If you have had to vacate your property as a matter of urgency because of flooding and require emergency accommodation, please contact 03000 200 292 and ask for Housing Advice or call 0800 917 6379 (24/7). Council tenants may also contact their local housing office for assistance and other tenants are encouraged to contact their own landlord.

Sandbags are available to local residents and businesses from the Council’s West Tullos Roads Depot (front gate), Craigshaw Drive, West Tullos Industrial Estate, Aberdeen, AB12 3AL.

Further updates will be available on the council website www.aberdeencity.gov.uk