Marischal College to be lit up to celebrate Care Day

19 February 2021

Red lighting will illuminate Marischal College this evening (Friday 19 February) as Aberdeen City Council joins in with Care Day, the world’s largest celebration of the rights of children and young people with care experience.

Care Day offers an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in celebrating the rights and achievements of care experienced children and young people, listen to their stories and voices and look forward to a future of opportunity, equality and equity for care experienced people.

Aberdeen City Council and its community planning partners have an active Champions Board which together seeks to deliver, via Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) actions, on the commitment to care experienced young people of equity through improved opportunities.

Councillor Lesley Dunbar, one of Aberdeen City Council's Champions for care experienced children and young people, said: “Care Day is the world's biggest celebration of children and young people with care experience and I am proud to be able to take part in the city’s marking of this special occasion.

“Despite the restrictions of the coronavirus pandemic we continue to fulfil our responsibilities as Corporate Parents to our looked after children and young people. Similarly, we have devised some marvellous and imaginative way of bringing people together while maintaining safe distancing.

“For example, Hug in a Mug is a lovely way for our staff and young people to say that they are thinking of each other during this extended period of lockdown, which can increase risks of social isolation and impact mental health. Care experienced young people will receive a personalised mug to let them know that they know are thought about and cared for.”

In addition to Hug in a Mug, young people and council staff in Aberdeen are participating in events organised by partners Who Cares? Scotland, including a Q&A session with the Children and Young People’s Commissioner; joining a virtual Movie Night with young people across Scotland; and attending the Being the Light Festival which aims to create opportunities to engage, explore and connect with care experience from a young person’s perspective through poetry, film, art, performance and a diverse range of online workshops.

Participation in Care Day activities support the Council’s ongoing programme to attain UNICEF Child Friendly City accreditation. 

Further information and photographs will be posted on the following Facebook pages: @AberdeenAce and @YouthTeamAberdeen

You can also join in the conversation and fun on twitter using #CareDay21