Middleton Park School shortlisted for prestigious national award
28 November 2016
Middleton Park School has been shortlisted for an award in the prestigious Learning Technologies Awards.
The glittering awards ceremony which takes place on Wednesday 30 November at The Park Plaza Westminster Bridge Hotel in London celebrates the best in learning technologies both in the UK and worldwide.
Middleton Park has been shortlisted for its Live Learning tool which uses videos created by the pupils to share with other children and their parents, not only in the school but beyond.
Head Teacher Jenny Watson, said: “We are thrilled to be short listed for this prestigious award. Our Live Learning is pupil led – they create, film and edit the content of the films. It is a very effective way of both developing and sharing their learning. Our pupils really like that their films are shared with not only their families but with a growing global audience. Live Learning has certainly raised the profile of our school!”
Parent, Sheila Lang, said, “Live learning is a fantastic tool that has been used very effectively in Middleton Park for a number of years. It allows children to share their learning opportunities with parents and carers and in doing so the children feel a sense of pride in their achievements. Our family watch the live learnings with interest each week as they give us a really good feel for what is being taught throughout the whole school and we learn a few things along the way!”
The school is in the running or one of 53 gold, silver and bronze awards recognising innovative use of technology in learning.
Councillor Angela Taylor, Education and Children’s Services Committee Convener, said: “It’s fantastic news that the creative approach to learning by Middleton Park School’s pupils and teachers is being recognised at UK-wide level at such a prestigious event. The video approach to shared learning is clearly one that has caught the imagination if the children and their parents alike.
“I’d like to wish Mrs Watson and everyone at Middleton Park School good luck for Wednesday.”