New active travel route identified for Aberdeen

06 June 2019

A preferred route for a shared cycle/pedestrian path to promote active travel and improve community connections has been chosen for the south of Aberdeen.

Running from Marywell to the A956 Wellington Road at Charleston Road, the route would use the Old Stonehaven Road and connect to existing infrastructure on Old Wellington Road and Cove Road.

Aberdeen City Council’s City Growth and Resources Committee backed the proposal in principle and has asked for a detailed budgeted design to be drawn up for consideration.

Committee convener Councillor Douglas Lumsden said: “The project is part of the city’s Active Travel Action Plan designed to improve facilities and routes.

“The Council is keen that residents and communities enjoy the many benefits offered by walking and cycling and we look forward to seeing the next stage of the plan.”

Cove Bay/Charleston had been identified as lacking active travel links.

A Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance (STAG) study – funded by Transport Scotland through Sustrans Scotland – had considered five route options, assessing deliverability, environmental impact and social inclusion as well as other factors.

Stakeholders and the public were consulted in January this year. An online questionnaire drew more than 200 responses, with clear support for new cycling infrastructure in general.

The preferred route would potentially connect to a proposed cycle route – being progressed by Aberdeenshire Council – linking Marywell to Stonehaven to the south as a commuter and leisure route.