New video shows The Force is with Hazlehead teachers and their Jedi pupils during lockdown

05 May 2020

A fun new Star Wars video created has been created by teachers at Hazlehead School to show their pupils just how much they are missing them during the Covid-19 lockdown.

The video, released on 4 May and making use of the famous ‘May the Force Be With You’ to inspire pupils during the current Covid-119 pandemic, shows the school’s staff, including the School Minister, in a series of short, funny homemade clips, doing their best Star Wars character impersonations.

The video, the brainchild of Head Teacher Barbara Jones and teacher Jude Davidson, who assembled the WhatsApp clips into the 12 minute video over the weekend, uses the famous film series to encourage children to remain strong, cope with challenges, look after each other and do the right things just like a Jedi knight.

Staff were only too happy to take part and ensure the pupils – also known as Padawans (trainee Jedis in the films) – would have fun and a laugh at their teachers’ antics.

Aberdeen City Council’s Education Operational Councillor John Wheeler, paid tribute to the staff who took part in the video: “What a fantastic idea by Barbara and Jude! My thanks go out to them and all the staff at Hazlehead who took part. They might not win any Oscars with their performances, but they really will have enthused the children with inspiring messages that Yoda himself would be proud of.

“Equally importantly, they have gone that extra mile to make their pupils smile during these challenging times and shown just how much the children are valued and missed during the current lockdown”.

The video ends with a series of written messages from staff urging the pupils to stay strong and can be viewed on YouTube at