Next stage of Energy from Waste project to be discussed by Aberdeen City Council

17 October 2016

A report published today (Monday 17 October) on the next steps for a proposed Energy from Waste facility will be discussed at a special meeting of Aberdeen City Council next week.

The report details the progress of the Joint Authority Energy from Waste Project with Aberdeenshire and the Moray Councils. Aberdeen City councillors’ approval will be sought in the meeting on Monday 24 October to enter into a second stage Inter-Authority Agreement relating to initial project and procurement development work.

A similar paper is being put to Aberdeenshire Council’s Full Council Committee on 26 October 2016 and the Moray Council’s Policy and Resources Committee on 25 October 2016

Councillor Jean Morrison, Aberdeen City Council Zero Waste Sub-committee convener, said: “The special meetings across the three authorities are important milestones in this project that, should each authority approve the recommendations, will allow us to go into partnership in procuring developers for the site.

“By working in partnership, each council will make significant investment savings in delivering an essential facility that will help us meet our statutory obligations and our own Waste Strategy ambitions”.

From 1 January 2021, Scottish councils will be banned from putting any biodegradable municipal waste into landfill. Currently, in the north east, more than half of household waste is sent to landfill.

Construction on the site is scheduled to begin in January 2019 and to go live in 2021.