Opportunity to shape taxi and private hire service in Aberdeen

27 April 2018

Two consultations are underway to provide an opportunity to help shape the provision of taxi and private hire services in Aberdeen.

The first consultation relates to taxi fares in the city, with two options under consideration – to increase the existing tariff scale by 5% and fix the other existing charges at the same rate or to maintain the scales at current rates. Views can be submitted online at https://bit.ly/2Jx01GK or by contacting the Aberdeen City Council licensing team.

A further consultation will gather feedback about taxi and private hire services, particularly in relation to demand in Aberdeen and whether that is being met. The questionnaire can be completed online at https://bit.ly/2I4Mmrd .

Aberdeen City Licensing Committee Vice-Convener Cllr M. Taqueer Malik said: “Taxi and private hire provision is always the subject of great interest and is an area of licensing which impacts on people in all of our communities. Both consultations offer the chance to help shape future provision and I would encourage anyone with a view to make their voice heard.”