Plans to help communities prosper endorsed
07 October 2021
A vote of confidence has been delivered in the refreshed Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) and the supporting Locality Plans.
Aberdeen City Council’s Strategic Commissioning Committee endorsed work done by officers and partners in shaping the blueprint for wellbeing and prosperity.
The LOIP 2016-26 was approved by the Community Planning Aberdeen Board in July after a refresh took place in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The aim is to continue to work towards achieving a vision of Aberdeen as “a place where all people can prosper”.
Because the coronavirus pandemic is expected to push more people into immediate and acute poverty, a new stretch outcome ‘No one will suffer due to poverty by 2026’ has been added.
Locality Plans underpin the refreshed LOIP, as well as individual partner plans, to cement a joint and coordinated approach between professionals and local communities. These have been expanded to cover North, Central and South whilst continuing to recognise regeneration areas.
Councillor Ross Grant, vice-convener of the Strategic Commissioning Committee, said: “Both the LOIP and Locality Plans demonstrate the huge amount of work carried out by officers and partners from across the city.
“The current Locality Plans are a starting point for unifying and strengthening community collaboration.
“We want the Locality Empowerment Groups and Priority Neighbourhood Partnerships to continue to develop and for communities and citizens to take an even greater lead in improving outcomes.”
LOIP objectives include tackling unemployment and helping people into positive destinations by accessing training and career opportunities.
The LOIP also includes plans to improve health, fitness and wellbeing through early intervention and preventative measures designed to help citizens lead healthier, longer lives.