Public asked for their opinions on A944 cycle route

12 May 2017

People are being asked for their opinions on the current A944 Kingswells to Aberdeen cycle route and where improvements could be made.

Aberdeen City Council along with Sustrans is funding a study, which is aimed at gathering information so improvements can be identified for delivering a high quality cycle route segregated from cars/traffic along the A944, principally linking Kingswells to Aberdeen city centre.

The study area comprises of five sections - Westhill-Kingswells, Kingswells-Anderson Drive, Anderson Drive-Westburn Park, Westburn Park-Berryden Road, and Berryden Road-city centre.

The City Council will seek funding for improvements agreed which were identified in the study for a high quality, direct and continuous cycle route.

As part of the project, a stakeholder consultation exercise is being undertaken by AECOM on behalf of ACC to gauge feedback on the existing cycle route, and to determine potential opportunities for improvement.

Anyone with contributions is asked to write to Transport Strategy and Programmes, Aberdeen City Council, Business Hub 4, Ground Floor North, Marischal College, Broad Street, Aberdeen , AB10 10AB, or email, by Friday 26 May.